Mr. Mohammad Khaled Mamun is the Chief Executive Officer of Reliance Insurance Limited, Bangladesh since 2014. Prior to this, he has been discharging his dedicated service for more than a decade to the company in different management position such as Executive Director, Deputy Managing Director (DMD).
He is a member of 'Central Rating Committee' of Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) of Bangladesh, the insurance regulator. For the expansion of insurance education in the country, he has served as the member of 'National Syllabus Committee' under the decretive of National Parliament of Bangladesh with a view to introducing professional BBA and MBA program in Insurance and Risk Management at Bangladeshi universities.
As an insurance professional, Mr. Mamun has 11 year long proven track record of insurance/reinsurance services at Sadharan Bima Corporation (SBC), a fully Govt. owned entity. During his career in SBC, he received Advanced Non-Life Insurance & Reinsurance Course from Swiss Insurance Training Centre (SITC) of Swiss Re, Zurich, Switzerland.
In addition to that Mr. Mamun has attended the Comprehensive Course on Reinsurance Management Training from Asian Reinsurance Corporation, Bangkok. He has also attended a number of international seminars/conferences on Insurance and Reinsurance.
Mr. Mamun has a high profile in teaching as well as insurance publications relating to Risk Management, Insurance and Reinsurance. He has visited many countries across the world.
Academically he has two Masters Degrees from the University of Dhaka, and also obtained Diploma in Development Planning from National Academy for Planning and Development, a body under Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
By profession, Mr. Mamun is a 'Chartered Insurer' and Associate Member both Bangladesh Insurance Academy, Dhaka and Chartered Insurance Institute, London.